Thursday, February 23, 2017

good vs bad photo

Avoiding Mergers
The Good
This is a good picture because she's off to the side of the trophy case making this a normal photo.
The Bad
This is bad because she merges with the book case and the soccer ball. The soccer ball makes this picture look awkward
Capture A Moment
The Good
This is good because no one is posing for it and they're not really paying attention

The Bad
This is bad because she posing and it looks forced and awkward

Get Closer

The Good

Its up close and you can see the design in the tile.
The Bad

This is bad because there's to much going on.

The Rule of Thirds
The Good

This is good because the bunny isn't right in the middle
which lets you see more then just the bunny.

The Bad

This is bad because the bunny is smack in the middle and its a boring picture

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