Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Evan Connelly good vs bad photos

Good VS Bad Photos

Rule Of Thirds
In these two photos you can see how the top picture has the object centered in the picture and it looks kind of boring and you might not be to interested in looking at it for long. The bottom picture has the same object off to the right of the picture frame. Doing this makes the photo a little more interesting to look at.

 In these two photos you can see pictures of a stair case. The top picture is a direct picture of the stairs from the bottom step. In the bottom photo you can see how the picture is taken from above the stairs facing down on the stairs making it look more interesting. 

 In these two pictures you can see some texture on the wall at school. The top photo is pretty boring and you can't really make out the texture that well. The bottom picture is taken from the side of the wall and you can see the texture on the wall and how it comes off the wall.

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