Thursday, February 23, 2017

good vs bad photo

Avoiding Mergers
The Good
This is a good picture because she's off to the side of the trophy case making this a normal photo.
The Bad
This is bad because she merges with the book case and the soccer ball. The soccer ball makes this picture look awkward
Capture A Moment
The Good
This is good because no one is posing for it and they're not really paying attention

The Bad
This is bad because she posing and it looks forced and awkward

Get Closer

The Good

Its up close and you can see the design in the tile.
The Bad

This is bad because there's to much going on.

The Rule of Thirds
The Good

This is good because the bunny isn't right in the middle
which lets you see more then just the bunny.

The Bad

This is bad because the bunny is smack in the middle and its a boring picture

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger Hunt Collage

Good vs Bad

this was the good picture for view point because its at a good angle for the subject/item

this was the good for avoiding merge because it looks good the way she is under the tree
this was the bad for avoiding merges because it doesn't look good from the way she stands

this was the bad for depth of field because its not focused on one end of the railing
this was the good picture for depth of field because its focused on one end of the railing

this was good for get closer because the way the apple is in the picture it looks good
the way this apple is in the picture makes it bad for get closer because it isn't close

good .vs. bad

this is a bad photo for avoiding merger because the object is awkwardly placed behind her
this is a good picture for avoiding murge because the object doesn't look akward in front of background 
this is a good picture for view point because the picture was taken from an angle so
it looks interesting
this is a bad picture for view point because its not interesting about how the picture was taken.
this  is a good picture for depth of field because it focuses on one object and blurs out the rest
this is a bad picture for depth of field because its not focused on anything
this is a bad photo for close up because it was taken from far away.
this sis a good picture for close up because the picture was taken close .

Friday, February 17, 2017

Brenna Douglas good VS bad photos

Bad "get closer" photo
This is a bad photo because you cannot see any of the details on the bunny or the flower.

Good "get closer"photo
This is a good photo because you can see the lines the chalk created on the chalk board and all the small details on the flower, also there is no distracting drawings around it.

Bad "Rule of Thirds" photo
This is a bad rule of thirds photo because the focusing object is in the center of the photo and is getting blacked out by the surroundings.

Good " Rule of Thirds" photo
This is a good photo because the focusing image in the photo is towards the right side of the photo and it draws your eye to the surrounding area as well.

Bad "Simplify" photo
This is a bad simplify photo because there is so much going on that the focal point of the photo is getting washed out by the other people, furniture and light sources. 

Good "Simplify" photo
This is a good simplify photo because the image is more centered on the focal point and there is less life happening around the photo. 

Good "Capture a Moment" photo
This is a good capture a moment photo because it seems less posed and more relaxed while still having an interesting image. 

Bad "Capture a Moment" photo
This is a bad capture a moment photo because the image is very posed, it's very unnatural and doesn't give that interesting of a photo. 

Jenna Bessette'sGood v.s. Bad Photos

Bad Photo; Rule of Thirds

Good Photo; Rule of Third
The bad photo is a "bad" photo because the sign is in the middle of the photo, and the viewers won't look at the background of the photo is focused on one part. The good photo is "good" because the subject is off to the side and lets the focus be more on the background as well as the subject, in this case the sign.

 Bad Photo: Get Closer

Good Photo: Get Closer

The bad photo is "bad" because it shows many other things besides texture. It doesn't give the image anything to discuss. The good picture is "good" because it shows texture and the roughness of the object.

Bad Photo: Avoid Mergers 
Good Photo: Avoid Mergers 

The bad photo is "bad" because it looks like Norway has water coming out of his mouth. When really he is trying to catch something in his mouth (goldfish). The good picture is "good" because he is standing next to the water fountain and showing that the water isn't coming from his mouth, also it gives a different angle.

Bad Photo: View Point 

Good Photo: View Point 
The bad photo is "bad" because its a straight angle shot. Its just looking at the basket. Whereas, the good picture gives it a more creative view. The bad picture is in the center of the photo, the good picture has the hoop in the middle but the black rafters give the image something more to look at.

Amy Fackler's Good V Bad photos

Simplify. Bad
 This has a bunch of things going on in the background and doesn't show the subject well enough. 
Simplify. Good
This shows the subject better and has less going on in the background.  Viewpoint. Good
This shows the tree up closer and has less of the window glare in the photo.  Viewpoint. Bad
This shows the tree but with a window glare covering the actual tree.  Capture a Moment. Good
He isn't paying attention to who or when the photo is being taken so it doesn't look posed and shows what he was doing. Capture a Moment. Bad
He is paying attention to when the photo is being taken so he looks a bit posed and didn't show what he was truly doing.